They're POETS and THEY KNOW IT by collection of 30 poets | Teen Ink

They're POETS and THEY KNOW IT by collection of 30 poets

January 8, 2013
By Anonymous

This is a book filled with 30 extraordinary types of poems, from 16 extraordinary writers. So EVERYONE STOP! Do you like great, fun, or brilliant poems? Well this book is the one for you.

They’re POETS and THEY KNOW IT is correct, its 30 different poems that mean something or it could make you smile. It could express emotions and tells stories in each poem from many intelligent writers. I personally think that this was a great book. It had emotion and it made me even smile a couple times. It was so detailed with multiple great sayings like “There was a young lady whose chin resembled a point of a pin”. Now that’s some really good thinking. When I first poem in this book, I knew I was going to get entertained and I know you will too.

Wow, this book is detailed, on each page. Like “Were very tiny, smaller than an ant, but has hearts as big as a bright white moon”. They’re so exact and on point for what they are talking about. This book right here is far from boring, it was brilliant. It had images for every poem so you would understand the poem better. You’re probably saying “poem books are so not a good time” and honestly I was too, but it isn’t. It’s adorable and it gets you thinking about the future.

So what is a poem book but it gets you in a mood, it makes you feel a type of way. A way that gets you thinking, something only a few books can do. They’re POETS and THEY KNOW IT is a real good reflection of what a poem book is. You should be checking this out now.

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