Deep Down True by Juliette Fay | Teen Ink

Deep Down True by Juliette Fay

December 20, 2012
By JulietteTorres BRONZE, Sacramento, California
JulietteTorres BRONZE, Sacramento, California
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One Saturday morning, my family and I were at a yard sale and i was looking at the books. one book had my first name on it so I brought it. so when i got home, i started to read the book, Deep Down True, right away.
Dana Stellgarten is newly divorced with her husband Kenneth. After the divorced her life crashed into millions of pieces. Before she can start over she has to take care of her kids, Morgan and Grady. But later on her niece comes and Dana has to take care of her, too. Not only she has to take care of them, but she needs to find a job to help her pay the bills.
At the beginning of the book it is kind of slow because it just talks about her getting divorce and that her niece was coming. But later on it get more interesting and a lot of things happen like new love, parties, fights and many more. that is where the adventures begins.
The book has a good storyline, good information about the characters and the setting and it keeps you entertain. In my opinion, Deep Down True was one of the best books I have read.

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