Nightbane by Andrea Cremer | Teen Ink

Nightbane by Andrea Cremer

December 19, 2012
By Harlee Beasley BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Harlee Beasley BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nightbane is a novel written by Andrea Cremer. It is the second book of the Nightshade series. This series targets teen readers, as many of them can relate to the feelings described throughout the novels. In Nightshade, you learned about the existence of guardians and the way they live. When everything crashes down around Calla, her love for Shay pushes her through everything. In the end, you were left with a huge cliffhanger, and now you can get your answers. Who will she choose? How will her pack survive without their alpha? Will Calla be murdered? Looking for answers is what keeps you reading in this suspenseful jumble of wolves and warlocks.

When Calla ran from the Keepers, she never imagined how much her life would Change. She’s wanted dead and her pack thinks she’s abandoned them. As she works with the enemy, all she knows is blown away, her mind is filled with questions and her heart is filled with confusion. She feels lost without her pack, and Shay tries his hardest to change that in so many ways. Although her love for him is flourishing and it is her only lifeline, all she can think about is her old pack; when she’s with Shay that means Ren, and only Ren. As the war tempts to rage on and explode, more and more secrets are uncovered, secrets that will surprise everyone! When “War is our only option” and “No one has time for more heartbreak”, you know you’re going to get a few surprises, but some may blow all others away. War is fueled by secrets and hatred, but sometimes war is fueled by love.

I would recommend Nightbane for a decently mature age group. It is a very interesting book that you just don’t want to put down or stop reading. You’ll be drawn in and mesmerized by everything that happens. I do recommend that you read Nightshade before you step into the fierce world of warriors and witches, that book starts it all off, and helps you understand what you can. Nightbane really does fill the large shoes that Nightshade left, in fact, I honestly believe that Nightbane fills them, outgrows them, and leaves them to get bigger ones!

As I said, this book is for a mature age group, preferably teens. It would definitely be rated PG-13, with everything that goes on in it. A lot of understanding of the choices Calla makes is needed. And a lot of comprehension has to be made, the book can get very confusing at times if you don’t pay attention to every slight detail or hint. You will enjoy reading Nightbane as long as you be sure to pay attention to the little details, they can give away hints to the end of the book, or to the conclusion. They can change the whole way you view what’s happening.

Finale Review~
I think Nightbane fits perfectly with the other Nightshade novels. An extraordinary book with amazing detail such as this one could bring even the worst of readers into it, and trap them. Bloodrose has some BIG shoes to fill with this one!

The author's comments:
I have no experience reviewing novels, but I do think that Nightbane deserves it. I have reade both Nightshade and Nightbane and I'm currenty working on reading Bloodrose, the third book in the series. Thes books keep me on edge and keep me guessing, they are amazing! Andrea Cremer is an excellent author, she really understands how to encorporate everything that happens in a teen's mind into her books, which are targetting that specific age group.


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