Of Mice and Men by John Steinback | Teen Ink

Of Mice and Men by John Steinback

December 17, 2012
By DaRealKiana BRONZE, Belleville, Illinois
DaRealKiana BRONZE, Belleville, Illinois
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Book Review

“But Mouse, you are not alone, in proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes of mice and men go often askew and leaves us nothing, but grief and pain, for promised joy!” -Robert Burns
I honestly like John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. Out of all the books I have read, none of them are like this book. I often caught myself getting emotional while reading it. It’s like a movie theater inside my head. The story is truly a tragedy. Two migrant labor workers from California in the 1980’s are headed to a new job.
Lennie, who is mentally-challenge, has an obsession with soft, furry things. Lennie travels with George, who makes a living for the both of them. If Lennie feels something soft, he will get too excited. He will start to pet, whatever it is, too hard. He doesn’t do it on purpose, though. He just doesn't know better. George always gets Lennie out of trouble. Lennie is deeply devoted to George, and dependent on him for guidance and protection. George tells Lennie that once they can get enough money, then they will buy a place of their own. They will live off the fat of the land. I think George tells Lennie this because he wants Lennie to focus on work, and not get into trouble. Lennie has a great physical strength, but has the mindset of a child. George is the smart one, but even he gets caught in Lennie’s dream of a farm. They have to get a job, and work hard to make quick cash. When they try to make money to bring them close to their dream, they both realize how fate can intervene with their plans.
This book is truly an American Literature classic. It is short, and direct on the meaning of friendship, loneliness, and unaccomplished dreams in hard times. It was meant to be a play, so that’s why it is so short. It is not hard to understand, but it has a lot of sentimental. It is also a quick read. Once you start reading, you can not put the book down. The plot of the story is straightforward, so it was not that difficult to understand. It also has a lot of symbolism going on throughout the story. I recommend others to read this book because it shows how planning for the future may be, or sound, good, but things can happen to shatter your hope.
If you read this book, you would not regret it. If I had to personally rate this book, I would give this book a five out of five. I’m glad I got the chance to read this book because I feel like I can really relate. My oldest sister has mental problems, and I feel like I’m the oldest. I always have to tell her what is right or wrong. It sometimes is a strain because it seems like I am the oldest. People often think I am the oldest. My mother is always cautious when it comes to me because of how my sister acts. I feel like George, and my sister is Lennie. That is probably why I really enjoyed reading this book. So if you do decide to read it, I really hope that you enjoy it.


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