Once In A Full Moon by Ellen Schreiber | Teen Ink

Once In A Full Moon by Ellen Schreiber

October 22, 2012
By SkyDelight GOLD, Chestermere, Other
SkyDelight GOLD, Chestermere, Other
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once In A Full Moon is the first book in Ellen Schreiber's dark, gripping, werewolf series. The book starts off with events gradually building up to the big reveal. Celeste Parker lives in the town of Legend's Run, where legends of werewolves are no more common then snow falling on your window in December.

In Legend's Run, Celeste has a tight group of friends, and the perfect boyfriend, Nash. That's until the new kid arrives. Celeste can't help but feel attracted to his dark blue eyes and wavy brown hair. She questions her relationship with Nash, and wonders if Brandon Maddox may be the guy for her.

After a creepy visit to a psychic and a nail-biting encounter with a pack of wolves in the woods, there's no telling what trouble Celeste will get into next. And falling in love with a hot, enigmatic werewolf may be something that happens once in a full moon.

Can't get enough of Celeste? No worries. The next installment, Magic of the Moonlight is in stores. The third book in the trilogy is set to be released on December 26th, 2012.

Who knows what will happen under the full moon?

The author's comments:
Ellen Schreiber really grabs readers and makes them want more in this werewolf series.


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