The Perfect Shot by Elaine Marie Alphin | Teen Ink

The Perfect Shot by Elaine Marie Alphin

October 1, 2012
By Anonymous

The Perfect Shot

Mod 5

By: Elaine Marie Alphin

Book Review

I have never really liked reading all that much, I thought reading was a big waste of my time, and always considered reading to be stupid. But when my 11’Th grade English teacher assigned us a reading assignment that was to read a book of our choice on our own then write this book review. At first I thought the assignment was dumb, and that I would not want to read at all, but I surprised myself, and really enjoyed the assignment. When selecting the book I was going to read for the assignment I chose a book by one of my favorite hobbies, basketball. The basketball book that I chose to read is called “The Perfect Shot” by Elaine Marie Alphin. It is a highly recommended book, not only by me, but by many others also. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in basketball, and overcoming problems.
This story is about a teenage boy named Brian who loves to play basketball. Brian has a very nice girlfriend named Amanda who in the beginning of the story gets murdered. The police suspect that Amanda's murder could have been committed by her father, but nobody is for sure. Everyone in the story tells Brian to move on, get over the death of Amanda, and to focus on what he loves best, Basketball, and focus on making the perfect shot. In the beginning of the story Brian thinks to himself “could someone who did not commit a crime still be convicted?” Everything Brian does, he thinks about at Amanda would say, or do. You can really tell that throughout the book Brian really misses Amanda. Will Amanda's father get arrested for the Murder of Amanda? Or will it be someone else in the story who gets convicted?
This book did something to me that I usually don’t do when I read, think ahead. The whole time while I was reading “The Perfect Shot” I often made predictions throughout the book. Whenever I read a chapter I would always predict, or think ahead about what was going to happen next in the story. When you predict what is going to happen next in a story, you know that you have made a good selection of a book. “The Perfect Shot” by Elaine Marie Alphin is one of the best books that I have ever read in my life. The story never gets boring, it just keeps getting better, and better, and better. I never wanted to put the book down when I was home, and that never happens to me. When I am assigned a book I never look forward to reading, and I usually put it off until the last minute to read. With “The Perfect Shot” I always looked forward to reading, and I never got bored with it. “The Perfect Shot” is a must read book, you can't go wrong with a book like “The Perfect Shot”.

Elaine Marie Alphin has done an amazing job with “The Perfect Shot”, Now that I am done with this story by Elaine Marie Alphin I am going to search the web for other books by Elaine, because of how pleased I was with “The Perfect Shot”. If you are looking for a good book to read, head to your local library and get a copy of “The Perfect Shot”, you will not be disappointed. I know you will enjoy this book as much as I did, and I will be looking forward to reading more books by Elaine Marie Alphin.

The author's comments:
I did not like to read up until i read this book, it was a very good book, and i recommend it to anyone of age 13 and up.


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