We'll Meet Again by Mary Higgins Clark | Teen Ink

We'll Meet Again by Mary Higgins Clark

September 30, 2012
By ellayy21 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
ellayy21 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
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Suspenseful writer Mary Higgins Clark, has a way of capturing Greenwich, Connecticut on the outskirt of Manhattan in the book We’ll Meet Again. 26 year old Molly Carpenter Lasch lives with the former Lasch Hospital owner and husband, Dr. Gary Lasch. When her husband was found dead in his study after being crushed in the head by a prized sculpture, the news of this event and the arrest of his wife, strike the town with such large surprise. Molly has no recollection of the night she returned home after storming off to Cape Cod to escape her anger from her husband. All though there was no evidence to support Molly Lasch actually killed her husband, she was proven guilty of the murder which left her not seeing her Greenwich home again for over five and a half years.
When the gates of Niantic Prison opened after that five and a half years later, Molly Lasch stood next to the car that she would soon arrive home in, propped her head up, and made a statement, that she does not find herself capable of her husbands death. Within the group of reporters Molly made her statement in front of, was an old friend, Fran who is now an investigative reporter for the True Crime television show. Not even Molly Lasch’s family, childhood and present day housekeeper or her long term friends believe Molly’s statement. At this time, Fran Simmons seems to be the only person Molly knows that believes she is innocent of killing her husband.

Seeing Fran decides to take on the challenge of proving Molly Lasch’s innocence on her television show, she also decides to look deeper into the death of her father. Just about 15 years ago Fran Simmon’s father committed suicide because he was almost exposed of stealing money from the local library fund. When Fran decides to take on the Lasch case, her childhood past starts to haunt her and now she is demanding answers. While doing more research on both the murder and the suicide Fran Simmons discovers several linked murders, uncovers more secrets and a ton of questions that need to be answered.

Within the book We’ll Meet Again by Mary Higgins Clark you as a reader are left with many unanswered questions at the end of every chapter. Because you are always left wondering, the reader is never able to put the book down. Throughout the 314 pages you are led to draw conclusions which most likely will always be wrong, this is what makes Mary Higgins Clark books so suspenseful to read. Mrs. Clark’s style of writing is very unique because there is no definite narrator, sometimes the narrator would be a flashback told by a character or their conscience, a thought or an outside view looking at the scene. The way she lets you into the life of the characters, would actually make you believe you were a ghost watching their every move within the time span of the book.

Therefore, in conclusion I recommend this book to anyone who would like to have their heart racing for a whole 314 pages. If you want a good suspense and chill not just We’ll Meet Again but any Mary Higgins Clark book would fulfill those categories. In the end I guess the real closing statement of this book is, Who really did it? and Why did they do it?

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