Thriteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher | Teen Ink

Thriteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

September 26, 2012
By Anonymous

Thirteen Reasons Why
By: Jay Asher, Hardcover, 288 pages

Jay Asher’s, Thirteen Reasons Why, starts off with Clay Jenssen receiving a box on hic porch with seven double sided types inside of it. The box has no return label, so Clay doesn’t know who dropped this box off at his house. Once he opens the box and finds the tapes, he looks for a tape player at his house. Clay finds one in his garage, and immediately starts to play them. He finds that it is Hannah Baker. Hannah Baker had committed suicide 2 weeks in advance. In total, there are 13 different recording throughout all of the tapes. Each recording had one reason why she committed suicide. Each reason was directed to one person. Hannah starts off with saying that person listening to the tapes doesn’t pass it on the next person until it has gone to everyone on the “list,” she has a “backup” just in case something goes wrong with the original copy. She also brings up some places to go to and a map to follow. And on the ninth reason/tape 5, Clay finds out why he is on the “list.” Personally, I liked this book because once you read it, you realize what Hannah Baker had gone through.

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