White Fang by Jack London | Teen Ink

White Fang by Jack London

September 26, 2012
By aaron robles BRONZE, Nipomo, California
aaron robles BRONZE, Nipomo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

White Fang
Moving from Of Mice and Men by Johns Steinbeck, an emotional story about friendship, difficult situations, and shows an example of what is a brother’s keeper. White Fang is an emotional story but with the point of view of a wolf. This book shows you how life in the wild is and how White Fang survived it. These stories takes place in a place where there is a lot of snow and were dogs were used as sled dogs to transport. The theme of this story is to not give up on someone or something before trying; if no one had given White Fang a chance of being domesticated he would have been shot. If you like emotional books you will really like White Fang because it is a very emotional, shows the importance of second chances, and love.


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