Out of Order by A.M. Jenkins | Teen Ink

Out of Order by A.M. Jenkins

September 26, 2012
By Ovalencia BRONZE, Nipomo, California
Ovalencia BRONZE, Nipomo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Out of Order

In the book Out of Order by A.M. Jenkins, Colt Trammel’s life gets completely turned over. He’s used to having everything his way. He’s popular and is good at baseball which according to him, its all you need to get threw school but when things start falling apart, he has to think fast and learn to get threw what’s ahead of him. Through out the book he realizes he doesn’t have to have everything and changes his ways of thinking. Overall, it’s a good and fun book for people who are fine with stories that can happen to anyone and that you could easily connect to.


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