Heist Society by Ally Carter | Teen Ink

Heist Society by Ally Carter

September 10, 2012
By Anonymous

Ally Carter, the well known New York Times bestselling author of the Gallagher Girls series, has done it yet again. Her new book, Heist Society, will appeal to a teen audience that enjoys adventure, romance, and suspense. Carter will have you turning the pages again and again, rather than sleeping at night.

Katarina Bishop, a young sixteen year old, has grown up in the life of theft. Her father is known for stealing many things, but this time, he didn’t take anything. Arturo Taccone accuses Mr. Bishop of illegally obtaining 5 paintings. Katarina is determined to prove her father’s innocence. She assembles a team: her best friend, W.W. Hale, the Bagshaw brothers, her cousin, Gabrielle, and a new acquaintance, Nick. Uncle Eddie on the other hand, doesn’t think this is a great idea.

The story originates at the Colgan High School in New York. This setting is important because it basically starts off the entire story. The book takes us to many different places from Sabina Valley, Italy, to Wyndham Manor in England, and back home to New York. The diverse settings throughout the book allow the reader the ability to visualize scenes, keeping things interesting.

Conflict among the characters keeps the reader’s attention. Arturo Taccone--the big bad guy--plays a huge role in keeping the reader entertained with the contention he creates. The high security systems that the ‘Bishop team’ has to work around also adds an interesting spin to the story. Issues among the characters in the story help the reader bring the book to life in their mind, and also pulls this tale together.

Plot helps to bind a fiction story, making it interesting and hard to put down. Often in stories there is a boring part. When reading, some people will post on Twitter, “This book is so boring. I can’t believe I’m trying to read it!” This book is nothing like that. Instead it will really make you want to turn the pages. When you’re finished reading the last page, you’ll want more!

‘Visily Romani,’(page 252), ‘Hale was silhouetted against the streetlamps yellow light, but the glint in his eyes was unmistakable,’(page 48). If those quotes from the book doesn’t sound interesting to you, take a second look. ‘She heard a car door open behind her, and for the second time in two days, she found herself in the back of a limo, greeted by another unexpected voice.’, (page 30). Are you suspicious of what happens next? Carter does a wonderful job with her word choice. She keeps your attention, uses many different forms of words, and still manages to make sense of it all.


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