Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer | Teen Ink

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

September 3, 2012
By thachosun1 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
thachosun1 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Into the Wild is an extremely unique and interesting book. I have never read any books like this. This book was about a person named Christopher McCandless that went into the Alaskan wilderness and died because of starvation and the freezing weather. At this point, I thought that Chris was just some crazy stupid person that had no idea what he was doing. But I was also hooked to the book at this point because I was curious of Chris’ life and if he was really just a stupid person. And from this point, I started to learn that Chris was a very interesting and unique character and started to learn what led to Chris’ death.
Many people thought like me when they heard about Chris’ death in 1992. They were wondering why the media was making this story so big and famous about this person that seemed very foolish. The author a lot of hate letters saying that there was nothing special about Chris’ death and that he was just like the other foolish people that went into the wilderness and died, since there were many stories like this. After the chapter filled with the hate letters, the author compared Chris’ story to the people that was believed to be like him.
I loved how the author included the hate letters and the comparison the author made with Chris and the other people that died in the wild. The hate letters really told me how the people thought of Chris’ death back in 1922 and the comparisons of Chris’ life to the others made him unique and interesting. I was even more hooked to the book at this point.
One of the many things that I loved what the author did was that he didn’t strait up describe Chris’ characteristics and instead, spread them out into little puzzle pieces throughout the book. Another thing that the liked what the author did was that you got to know Chris’ characteristics by the people that Chris met along his journey. These two things the author did made the book more exciting since it built up Chris’ characteristics little by little, making him more and more interesting.
One thing that I didn’t like what the author did was that the book was sometimes really confusing and I couldn’t understand what was going on. Overall, I loved the book and I would defiantly read it again when I can.


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