The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls | Teen Ink

The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls

August 1, 2012
By Kelsey Anderson BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Kelsey Anderson BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I never realized how much I take for granted until I read what Jeannette and her siblings had to go through during their childhood. Just to be safe, have a roof over their heads, and food to eat would have been a blessing for the Walls family. Although her childhood was incredibly rough it translates into an amazing novel. She was able to make me feel as if I were in the rundown houses, running from the law, dealing with irresponsible parents, and scrounging the dumpsters for food. She spoke so truthfully and never sugar coated any of her experiences so I loved that I got a real view into the hard times of her childhood.

Because of their financial struggles and an alcoholic father, the dream of the Glass Castle could never be achieved. Rex Walls always wanted to provide this for his family but his own demons got the best of him. Soon enough they all lost faith in a better life for their family, even Jeannette who was the favorite child of Rex no longer believed in her own father. This made me grateful that my own parents have their priorities straight for our family and well-being.

I couldn’t get enough of this book. I believe this was because it is so much different from my own life. Today many people have so much technology and are so ungrateful for things like a hot meal. For me, I loved getting insight on how she was able to come out of such a terrible situation and truly follow her dreams even if her parents were never able to complete theirs. It made me think twice about being wasteful and not feeling blessed for the adults that have raised me. It was a nice reality check and I never wanted this novel to end.

This book is amazing and I know anyone would enjoy reading it. I especially did because like Jeannette I also have a strong bond with my sibling. I know that like her I rely on him for comfort and reassurance. This book is different because she was so open and didn’t leave out any details. Whether it was her angry father coming home drunk, her mother too busy with painting to notice the children, or her hope fading in her family, it made you feel every single emotion that she did. Read it yourself to find out the whole story!


This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 19 2012 at 12:40 pm
alliemarshall BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments
This review was amazing! I am so much more aware and grateful for what I have because of it. You wrote about some of the difficulties that the family faced. And, even though your life seems different from the lives of the characters in the novel, you were able to make a personal connection with one of them because of the relationship you have with your sibling. I definitely want to read this book soon!