the fallen by Lauran Kate | Teen Ink

the fallen by Lauran Kate

June 1, 2012
By kittykinz BRONZE, Alton, New Hampshire
kittykinz BRONZE, Alton, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i feel like im in a maze and whenever i think its allover i run into a wall.......

The Fallen is a great book it was written by Lauren Kate and it is said to be New York Times best-selling author of the house of night series. Lauren Kate grew up in Dallas and went to school in Atlanta, and she started writing in New York. She is the author of another book called The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove and she now lives in Los Angeles. So here is what I have to ask you What if the person you were meant to be with could never be yours? The Fallen will tell you what to do if you ever get into this type of situation.

Luce is a mysterious high school student, who is new to Helston England high. Luce had jet black hair that went a little more than halfway down her back and had a slightly elegant wave to it. She was wearing a long, kid of poufy black dress with beading all down the right and left sides. A black lace glove hugged her hand with a picture of death upon her face she had crystal blue eyes and a beautiful golden- brown tan.

As Luce walks down the hall she can hear very light steps in the distance behind her. She starts to walk a little faster and the steps get louder and closer, she begins to panic as she turns a corner she hides in a nearby closet and…….. You will have to read the book in order to find out what happens next. Luce gets followed everyday by a man in a black top hat and a long brown coat, but she doesn’t understand what he wants. She tries to ignore the fact every day and she walks with groups of people and friends to try to scare the man away from her but no matter how hard she tries he just won’t stop following her.

I personally think the book has a lot of suspense and a lot of detail, but I wonder what inspired the author to write this story there are a lot of personal connection being made throughout the whole story. I would recommend this to anyone who likes a lot of imagery and something that is fascinating mysterious and full of romance. The whole story is about that mysterious guy in the black top hat and the long brown coat and how he follows her everywhere, in the end she find out she is related to him but how you ask? You will have to find out for yourself. The author’s style is quite interesting and is definitely unique I did notice she uses a lot of different font for different emotions throughout the story. I think it is pretty cool if you ask me I do the same thing.

I loved this book so much, every time I would read some of it I couldn’t find myself able to put it down, at one point my mom had to take it from me and that made me upset it was right at an intense part too. I read about 25-30 pages a night when I didn’t have homework, the book has a total of 452pages at first I thought it was a lot but then I started reading and I just kept hoping it would never end. I can personally connect with this book because of my past I will be a new student at my town’s high school but so will all of my fellow student I know what her feelings are. I have always wanted to be a writer just like her I just need the push to start, I love this book and I recommend that you read it, it’s amazing and you won’t be able to put it down you will get lost in the imagery and words of her book. I rate this book 5 out of 5 with no doubt!

The author's comments:
i loved writting this piece


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