The hunt for hawke's daughter by Jean Barrett | Teen Ink

The hunt for hawke's daughter by Jean Barrett

May 23, 2012
By wormgear BRONZE, Monongah, West Virginia
wormgear BRONZE, Monongah, West Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Hunt for Hawke’s Daughter is a wonderful exciting book about a private detective, Devlin, who is on the hunt for a disturbing man. While looking for this man he hits a lead that takes him to a woman who left him three years before. He has a huge family that likes to suffocate him with love because of an accident that occurred many years before. When they were together they had a very intimate, very hot relationship and she still gets the same feeling s when he is near. But, when she heard how much ne never wanted a child, she picked up her things and left. Ramey is the man she thought she married. When she comes home from a long weekend, she finds that Devlin has been looking for her. He tells her about Ramey and that he isn’t who he says he is. She is forced to work with Devlin to find her daughter. Things heat up and she can’t resist him. Read to know the rest.

I enjoyed this book very much and you will too. It’s heart touching and exciting. I recommend this book to older kids, maybe 16years old and up. Both boys and girls should like this book because the author does a wonderful job portraying the thoughts of both characters. The characters come alive in your head and you can see every scene clearly. Read this book and you won’t be disappointed.


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