Invisible Man by Ellison Ralph | Teen Ink

Invisible Man by Ellison Ralph

May 20, 2012
By Cliebross BRONZE, Frenchtown, New Jersey
Cliebross BRONZE, Frenchtown, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The author and/or “invisible man” was taught as a child to instinctively not trust the white man. Although to accomplish things, in his life, he would have to diminish that instinct. He endures many challenges considering his race; In fact he learns of people and societies that perpetuate his own feelings. The "brotherhood" seeks him, just like his college. They want his amazing and inspirational speaking skills to benefit the community and to prove a point for his race. Subsequently In a moment of terrible realization of betrayal the author exhibits that “the end was in the beginning”.

The author's comments:
Just another chance for me to exercise the First Amendment.

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