Romeo and Juliet- Who to Blame? by Shakespeare | Teen Ink

Romeo and Juliet- Who to Blame? by Shakespeare

May 13, 2012
By brillblonde GOLD, Thornton, Pennsylvania
brillblonde GOLD, Thornton, Pennsylvania
16 articles 1 photo 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Hold tight because shadows get lost in the light. And sometimes, fate and your dreams will collide&quot;-Joe Brooks.<br /> &quot;Just give me a pen and I&#039;ll write my worries&quot;- Ed Sheeran<br /> &quot;Only fools are satisfied&quot;-Billy Joel

The famous love story of star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet, is also known for its tragic ending of the couple. Many characters played a role in their ultimate death, each one contributing a different factor. Romeo, although loving and passionate, had such changing emotions that he could be held responsible for his and Juliet’s death. It could be Juliet herself, for disobeying her family’s wish for who she should marry, and choosing Romeo instead. It was for these reasons I thought the people who caused their untimely death was themselves. Romeo and Juliet had decided to be married after only days of knowing each other. They were fully aware of the consequences, and still continued on with their plan of marriage. This shows their inability to make rational and well thought out decisions. This is also shown when Romeo kills Tybalt, Juliets cousin. Romeo says that he was caught up in his anger over the death of Mercutio, so much so that he needed revenge. Juliet was mad at first, but forgives him. Even with the death of her own cousin, Juliet is still blinded by her love for Romeo. Another time we see their poor choices hurt others is when Romeo learns that Juliet is dead (even though she was faking it). He jumps into a rash decision to kill himself. In the process he kills the prince who was to marry Juliet the following day. When Juliet awakens she finds Romeo dead, and kills herself as well. Through a series of terrible, disobedient, and blindsided choices the famous couple not only manage to kill themselves but countless others as well. It is for this reason I feel that Romeo and Juliet are the only people to blame for their death.


This article has 1 comment.

Haniah said...
on May. 15 2015 at 1:01 pm
I think that it was the fault of the ones who committed the act. Romeo and Juliet themselves. No one physically killed them so I don't believe that someone should get the blame for something they didn't actually do.I think that Romeo was rushing Juliet into marriage. Juliet may not have even liked Romeo in the slightest, I honestly feel as though Juliet just liked the feeling of being 'loved' by someone other than the Nurse. And the marriage? I think that Juliet was trying to prove that she is mature enough to make life altering decisions when that couldn't be further from the truth so yeah, that's my opinion :D