Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen

March 8, 2012
By s_dieu BRONZE, San Gabriel, California
s_dieu BRONZE, San Gabriel, California
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What would you imagine a typical highschool life to be like? Well, of course you would expect plenty of complicated drama occurring. In the young adult novel, "Someone Like You", Sarah Dessen proves to the reader that life is an ugly, awful place not to have a best friend. Halley and Scarlett have been best friends ever since their earliest childhood memories. Halley was more of the quiet type while Scarlett was the loud and out-going one. Whenever Halley had boy problems, family problems, and practically any kind of problems, Scarlett would be to her rescue. However, at the end of their junior year, Scarlett's boyfriend is killed in a motorcycle accident, and she finds out that she is carrying his baby. Halley knows that her best friend needs her more than ever and she cannot let her down, because commitment always defines a true friendship.

In my perspective, this book was beyond awesome and I definitely recommend it to teen girls. If I were to rate this book from a 1 to a 5, I'd give it a 4.

"It'd be so hard to have a baby. I mean, you're only sixteen. You've got your whole life ahead of you." the author writes. Sarah Dessen takes you on a great adventure when it comes to Scarlett carrying the baby. She describes the difficulty teen pregancy can lead you through, how guys aren't always as truthful as you think, and the family drama along the way. I believe many teens can relate to this book due to their typical highschool life. The school drama that happens here, happens at about every single school you could think of.

"She reached behind the paper towel dispenser and pulled out a small white stick-shaped object with a little circle on the end of it. As she held it out, I saw that in the little circle was a bright pink cross. Then, all at once, it hit me." I absolutely love Sarah Dessen's quality of writing and how it catches the reader's attention in seconds. For example, the previous quote made you create an image in your head, instead of straight-forward text. She foreshawdows throughout the story and makes you suspicious about what's coming next.

Books are just like people, they have flaws. In my point of view, the end wasn't too impressive because it's those types of books that leaves you hanging. In other words, is has a cliff-hanging plot. Towards the end of the story, it showed that Scarlett's baby arrived at the school prom. Then after the birth, it ends... I was curious about what happened with Halley and her ex-boyfriend. And how she dealt with the family issues going on. Despite how copacetic the beginning and middle were, I definitely believe that ending broke down the momentum the story first built up.

Overall, "Someone Like You" was stupendous! I recommend this young adult novel to people of all ages, but mostly to teen girls. I hope that students can be inspired by the moral of the story because it's a life lesson that you'll remember throughout your highschool year. Take this book to your recommendations and I assure you that you won't be able put this book down. Always remember!-- Life is an ugly, awful place not to have a best friend.


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