The Luxe Novels by Anna Godbersen | Teen Ink

The Luxe Novels by Anna Godbersen

March 6, 2012
By RedWritingHood SILVER, Crawfordville, Florida
RedWritingHood SILVER, Crawfordville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
I must be a mermaid, for I have no fear of depths but a great fear of shallow living.

The Luxe Novels
The Luxe Novels are an extremely compelling series of books.
Comprised of four books, The Luxe, Rumors, Envy, and Splendor, they are the perfect blend of historical content and romance.
The Luxe starts off with the two Holland sisters, Elizabeth and Diana, living in 1899 Manhattan. These sisters are the rulers of the socialite scene. But when Elizabeth’s carriage overturns near the river, the city mourns the loss of their most beloved debutante. But what really happened? Suspicions are aroused when no body is ever found. Does Diana know something? The big question everyone is asking is “What really happened to Elizabeth Holland?” Find out in The Luxe and it’s sequels.
Romance, mystery, betrayal, hurt, jealousy, humor, and historically accurate details make this a fantastic series I would recommend to any girl from about fourteen up.


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