Brightly Woven by Alexandria Bracken | Teen Ink

Brightly Woven by Alexandria Bracken

February 18, 2012
By flowergirl BRONZE, Castro Valley, California
flowergirl BRONZE, Castro Valley, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Brightly Woven, Quickly Read

A blur of flipping pages and all awareness of time escaping you are a few of the signs that suggest you have picked up Brightly Woven by Alexandria Bracken. A magical tale, this story of love and trust has captured many readers’ and my attention and heart for good reason. This fine book displays the author’s ability to weave tender moments and deadly situations into a beautifully woven tale that I’m sure all readers will enjoy.

A young girl named Sydelle Mirabil stars in this lovely tale. She and her family live in a small town that has been devastated by a drought for several years. Things are tough and she is not sure if her family can make it through the winter, but then the rain comes, bringing with it newfound prosperity and a strange man of unknown intentions. The man turns out to be a wizard and selects Sydelle to accompany him on his travels to warn the Imperial Sorceress about the army invading Ingrid’s town, and to convey new information on the recent assassination of the king. Sydelle does not want to accompany the wizard, Wayland North, but her parents make her and moments before her town is overwhelmed with enemy soldiers he twists her away into the mountains to begin their journey.

Throughout their journey, Sydelle and North go through many trials that alternately bring them closer and tear them apart. Eventually, they meet up with North’s friend Owain, a large man of many muscles and a kindly heart who aids them on their adventure. Then, North’s main adversary Dorwan shows up and becomes an immediate threat to both North and Sydelle, because for unknown reasons he shows great interest in taking Sydelle for his own assistant, and North must fight to protect her. After their battle, Sydelle begins to realize something is wrong with North, and there is something she does not know about herself.

They continue on their way to the palace but once they reach the grand city, things do not go as planned. Sydelle and North must navigate their way[s] out of some very desperate situations, and during this time betrayal leads to the exposure of some dark and deeply hidden secrets, which must change the way Sydelle lives [out] the remainder of her life. The characters of Sydelle and North grow and change so much throughout this story, you feel as if you know their hearts and dreams until the very end.

Brightly Woven is a fabulous novel because it captures the readers’ attentions and sympathies from the very start. Once you begin, you will find yourself going everywhere with this book clutched in your arms because as soon as you begin this adventure of love and trusting those you love, you can’t escape. So if you would like to spend an afternoon or an evening or a math class in a world of danger, tender moments and something beyond magic, pick up Brightly Woven, and drift away.


This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 20 2012 at 7:59 pm
marissalovessprinkles GOLD, Castro Valley, California
10 articles 8 photos 1 comment
I'm reading your reviews instead of the book. Short + sweet= marissa likes