Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel | Teen Ink

Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel

February 2, 2012
By Duskfang BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
Duskfang BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the undone is done, then your life is complete

The runt of his silverwing colony, Shade the small, weak bat is constantly being picked on. He wants to be more than the “mistake” bat. I connect to that because I am very short. Every year the bats fly down south for the winter and Shade has made his plan. He will fly down the whole way without his mother’s aid. I thought it was smart how the author makes it sound like a good plan. For safety his mother sings him a sound map in case he gets lost

During a storm Shade gets separated and ends up on an island with a sunwing bat named Marina. I connect to this because once I got separated from my family, but soon found them. Together they have to catch up with Shade’s colony. But will they get off the island? In addition, did Shade’s colony survive the storm?

This book was exciting and eventful; it made me never want to put it down! I loved it so much! I was informed and also sad at parts. The author engages the audience emotionally by Shade’s past of getting bullied. Kenneth Oppel touches your heart and makes you think about real life. I thought that was expertise.

My favorite part was when Shade’s mother sang the sound map to him. I love how it was foreshadowing that something bad was going to happen. And it was a new way to describe a map. Or it could make you think something bad was going to happen, and then not! True genius!

This is one of the best action packed, adventure books I have ever read! If that is what you are into, Silverwing is for you! This book is in a series and some of the other books in the series are Sunwing and Firewing.


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