A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemmony Snicket | Teen Ink

A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemmony Snicket

February 1, 2012
By bb123 BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
bb123 BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
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A Series of Unfortunate Events

When the three Baudelair children receive terrible news, their lives get a whole lot different. The author made this book so interesting and suspenseful that I didn’t want to stop reading!

As you get into the book, you understand how the characters act and feel. As Violet, Claud, and Sunny start their adventure, they meet a bad man named Count Olaf. He makes the children do all the household chores, eat cold, grey oatmeal, and sleep in one tiny bed. Will Violet, Claud, and Sunny ever get their old lives back?

I am really excited to read the rest of the series. I liked this book because of all the conflict the author creates between the characters. If you are someone who likes books by an author who can create suspense, adventure, or conflict, I highly recommend that you should read A Series of Unfortunate Events.


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