The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer

January 19, 2012
By Anonymous

No book has ever grabbed my attention the way the reader did in The Lost Boy. I really didn’t know any book would do that, but Dave Pelzer made it the possible to grab my attention in the entire book.
In The Lost boy Dave, the main character only knows the sense of fear and isolation. Even though Dave has been through many incidents with his alcoholic mother he is still standing. His mother isolates him from his other siblings and she only treats him different than the others.
The author’s magnificent style makes the entire book interesting. Dave is living in the basement separated from his family not making one move as a slave until his mother tells him to. Only having him and no others to play with at the age of eight it’s a terrible feeling for him. But not anymore when he gets adopted into a real family that loves him.
The Lost Boy is written in Dave’s point of view, which is first person point of view. As in the book, Dave expresses all of his feelings that he is having throughout his journey.
The Lost Boy won number one International bestseller for New York Times and USA bestseller. If it won that you must know that this book is very astonishing and interesting.
The theme is coming from a piece of anything, your journeys can be great in ahead of life if you just hold on to your dream, it can be fulfilled. Nothing can break Dave now that he has his new family, he now has courage.
This book will have you not wanting to close it at the end. That is why I recommend this book for everyone. You’ll really get under the perspective that Dave Pelzer was in.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 12 2014 at 2:34 pm
this book was really insperational i loves it.