In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson | Teen Ink

In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson

December 22, 2011
By James99 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
James99 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"its like a platter of jello with timey wimey wibbly wobbly... im getting off track"-the Doctor

Bill Bryson writes his books with a tad of humor mixed with the non-fiction stories he writes. In a Sunburned country is a non-fiction piece about Bryson’s adventure in a vacation to Australia. While there he goes to many famous places and rides a train. While personally, I am not a fan of his writing, I did find it to be written very well, which is good. In a sunburned country also is written with a lot of back-story, every three pages seems to be some new story about why Australians are crazy, (which made it confusing to read three books, and this stuff). But it was in interesting style of writing either way. I do plan to move to Australia, and this book was a great insight to the current culture of Australia, as well as some lore to the cultures. The fact that a country could be completely oblivious about what happens in the country, like a lost prime minister, and an atomic bomb is completely baffling to me. But the facts presented made me more encouraged to go to a random country to be with random people like me! I thought that the book was interesting at times, but over all was not as good as my mother told me it was. I thought this book was boring personally, mint for a more, calm crowd of readers. But all in all it was a good book, written well and at times, very interesting. Bill Bryson lives in England with his wife and children. He has also written numerous other books; The life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, I’m a stranger here myself, and A Walk In the Woods. I rate this book with 6 out of ten.


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