Smashed by Koren Zailckas | Teen Ink

Smashed by Koren Zailckas

December 12, 2011
By LindaTruong BRONZE, North Oxford, Massachusetts
LindaTruong BRONZE, North Oxford, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Twenty-four year old Koren Zailckas introduces the dangerous effects of drinking in her well-written memoir, Smashed. In this New York Times award winning autobiography, there are several events that led Koren to drink aimlessly throughout her high school years and early adulthood. This extraordinary, empowering story also teaches educational values about alcohol abuse.
The fascinating concept of this novel is Koren’s talent and motivation to write a detailed life story after such a challenging experience. Reading the literature allows the reader to visualize real life situations and is understandable in a teenager’s point of view. Even though the concept of writing an autobiography on binge drinking is frequently used, Smashed left feelings of tension, sadness, hope, courage, and ambition. Reading the life story of Koren Zailckas will change the reader’s view on the daily use of alcohol.
When assigned to read any autobiography by choice, I immediately snatched Smashed because of the great reviews it received. Although the novel was well written, at certain times the writing became repetitive and predictive. The plot did not intrigue me as the reading progressed due to the constant routine of drinking alcohol. Many of the events started to get dreary and ongoing. After reading the end of the novel, my expectations were not reached. Surprisingly the ending was not impressive or remarkable.

I do not recommend this work to any readers who appreciate an exciting and adventurous book. However, my recommendations go out to readers that have struggled with habits such as alcohol or drug abuse and also readers that enjoy real life situations. Many valuable lessons were showcased when reading Koren’s powerful work. Not only does Koren Zailckas speak for herself, but also other lives struggling to overcome binge drinking. Overall, Zailckas did a great job conveying the message that alcohol should not be abused or used for the wrong purposes.

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