Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton | Teen Ink

Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton

December 6, 2011
By keeper1ng BRONZE, East Northport, New York
keeper1ng BRONZE, East Northport, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

just finished reading Rumble Fish and I couldn’t believe how great the book was. I loved the way Steve and Rusty-James met up at the beach for the first time in years in the opening scene. It really set the tone for the book, as they recall what events happened to them in the past. I love the way S.E. Hinton writes her books, and thats why I chose the book. She wrote the book in first-person narration, as the character Rusty-James. Rusty-James is the type of person who relies more on his fists than his brain. Rusty-James is Motorcycle Boy’s brother. I was surprised when the Motorcycle Boy found a photo of himself posing in a magazine. What is a tough motor- cycler like the Motorcycle Boy posing in a picture for? To me I find that weird and confusing.

I was really shocked when Steve denied Rusty-James’ request to go out with him and the Motorcycle boy one night. Steve and Rusty-James were close friends, and to deny a friend had to take a lot of nerve. I also agree with what Steve did, because Steve knew Rusty-James was going to get in trouble sooner or later, and he didn't want to get in trouble with him.I also think S.E. Hinton did a great job making that scene realistic. Any author could have chosen to have Steve accept the request, but S.E. Hinton made it realistic by having Steve deny the request, knowing that Rusty-James was a troublemaker. In fact, Rusty-James and the Motorcycle Boy were arrested that night for trespassing into a pet store.

One thing I do have to question is why did Rusty-James follow the Motorcycle Boy knowing that he was trespassing into the pet store? The only thing that could happen in that situation is that you get caught and get arrested, and that is exactly what happened. It was a poor choice by Rusty-James knowing what the consequences are. Although the scene was well written, it could have been better if Rusty-James decided not to follow the Motorcycle Boy. If he hadn’t, would the Motorcycle Boy still trespass into the pet store? Would Rusty-James still be a troublemaker, or would he realize what he’s become and change his actions? These are the things that could have replaced the trespassing scene, but overall the book was fast-paced and exciting, just like S.E. Hinton’s other book, The Outsiders.

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