Lance Armstrong by Lance Armstrong | Teen Ink

Lance Armstrong by Lance Armstrong

November 8, 2011
By Baumy BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Baumy BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Writing about Lance Armstrong is hard. I can't say whether he cheated or not so I am on two different sides. If hdidn't't cheat; Lance Armstrong was fearless. Hdidn't't back down from a single challenge. He looked death in the eye when he experienced the disease that singly kills more people than any other illness, and spat in its face. He wasn't just a man. He was much more than that. He was a symbol that you should never give up. He was a sign of hope that tells us that no matter how hard times get, the sun will always come out again. He was a warrior. He fought and failed but he got up and fought again. He had the endurance that I can only hope to achieve someday. Lance Armstrong was a hero.
If he did; Lance Armstrong was strong. He helped his mother through the thick and the thin. He fought cancer and came out on top. Lance was a guy who was stronger than most. He would have been the perfect role model, until he cheated. This man was a titan. He was on the top of the world and then he showed weakness. He gave in to something that hdidn't’t need. Armstrong was the best and he gave in to what his mother always told him not to. He quit. Hdidn't’t quit a race. He quit out of his honor. This man failed the people who loved him and the people who respected him. He’s a champion of the Tour De France. He is a cancer survivor, a husband, a father, a son, and I thought he was something more than that. But he’s just a human being like the rest of us.
Lance Armstrong was a fiery youth. He had pride and dignity and would never go down without a fight. He proved that when he was diagnosed with cancer and accepted it without fear. He was born with nothing. No fancy car, no big house, nothing was a luxury. Lance changed that. He fought his way to the top and whether people think he cheated or not, I believe that he made it there without steroids.
He made his way to the top and it’s sick and disgusting that someone would accuse him of doing it with help.


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