The Host by Stephenie Meyer | Teen Ink

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

November 3, 2011
By AbbyIsAwesome BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
AbbyIsAwesome BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Host takes place in the far future when aliens take over human bodies to create peace and prosperity within our world. Wanderer is a “soul”, an alien species that takes over a “hosts” body to live on a new planet. But strangely enough, these aliens are much more peaceful than us humans, because they are here to save our world. Wanderer is working at a collage and leads a simple life when the body she resides in, Melanie, starts to rebel and come back. When Wanderer is compelled by memories of Melanie’s past to search for the human resistance, their lives are endangered as they find Jared, Melanie’s lost love.

This book is romantic sci-fi -I know it’s strange genre. However, I must say, as a fan of Twilight I loved this book. The writing style is largely similar, simple to absorb and it’s descriptive. It was extremely creative, I love all the stories Wanderer tells of her previous planets. The romance is good to; like in Twilight there is a love triangle, though I must say this one was more complicated. The characters are relatable to, and they each have a separate and distinct personality. I loved how Wanderer's personality and Melanie’s clash, Wanderer is a pacifist, and Melanie is somewhat violent.
I enjoyed this book because it had good romance and characters. If you enjoyed Stephanie Meyer’s books, and even if you didn’t, I’m sure you will love this book!

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