One Night that Changes Everything | Teen Ink

One Night that Changes Everything

October 27, 2011
By Anonymous

Imagine having your diary, in which you write all your embarrassing secrets, taken from you. Even worse, the diary snatchers threaten to make the information public if you refuse to appease their commands. This is exactly what happens to Eliza in One Night that Changes Everything, by Lauren Barnholdt. In this book, Eliza’s ex- boyfriend, Cooper (who she is still very bitter at), and a few of his friends, steal her very private notebook. In the notebook are all the things she wants to go for, but is too afraid to actually do. In order to have her notebook back, she is forced to carry out some of the humiliating things she wrote down. The whole novel keeps you on the edge of your seat. It takes place starting out in the evening and ends almost exactly twelve hours later, in the early morning; however, so many crazy things keep happening!

The novel kept me interested throughout the entire journey, and I had a lot of fun picturing the characters scrambling around, desperately trying to help Eliza get her notebook returned safely. The book has attempted robberies, wild parties, embarrassing moments, and even a touch of romance. It was very hard to put the book down, because it took so many exciting twists and turns, not to mention I could feel the intensity! The thing that I really loved about this book was how the author was able to make you feel like you were right alongside the characters. When Eliza got into a sticky situation, I felt like I was there, experiencing the same fear and anxiety that she did. I actually felt a little exhausted by the end of the book, considering how much rushing around the characters were doing. This was a fabulous novel, and I recommend it to anybody who likes a fast- paced story.

The author's comments:
I wrote this book review for my sophomore English class and decided to submit it for extra credit. Why not? :)


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