Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman | Teen Ink

Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman

October 3, 2011
By cheerchick05 BRONZE, Uniontown, Ohio
cheerchick05 BRONZE, Uniontown, Ohio
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To Read or Not to Read
The book Saving CeeCee Honeycutt is perfect for teenage girls because has a bittersweet, yet realistic story line, innocent insecurities, and it will send you through multiple emotional roller coasters that will sneak up on you when you’re least expecting it. Think about an average, everyday person. Just a young woman working in a small interior design business, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Now, picture this person putting four years into writing their first book and later writing many more. The woman I was thinking about was Beth Hoffman. Who would have thought that she would be such an impeccable author? Her very first book, Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt, was one of the best books I’ve ever read.
In Saving CeeCee Honeycutt a young, small town girl had to fight to save her mother. CeeCee’s mother was losing her mind and couldn’t control her actions; as far as she knew she was still the 1951 Vidalia Onion Queen. The story actually took place in the 1960’s mostly in Willoughby, Ohio. When the horrific incident of CeeCee’s mother’s death happened on an eerie June day, CeeCee’s father had told her that she would be moving to Savannah, Georgia to live with her Great Aunt Tootie. CeeCee felt as if her father didn’t want her anymore and was just handing her off to the next person; when in fact he was doing what was the absolute best for her. Moving was probably the best thing that could have happened to her. She met new friends that would last her a lifetime and she had grown into a wonderful young girl with etiquette and southern manners. Even though there were plenty of ups and downs, CeeCee worked through them and was made into a stronger and more versatile child.

Cee Cee had quite a bit of self-doubt about herself, her life, and her family. Many of the insecurities were focused on her such as; her thinking people won’t like her, her thinking that since her mother has lost her mind she will as well. After moving to Savannah, CeeCee still has her issues but is slowly getting over them and coming out of her shell. Think about it, would you want to move to a completely new environment with absolutely no one you know? Cee Cee surely didn’t want to but she had no choice. “If I go to school here, will the other girls think I belong?” This is one of the many instances where CeeCee doubts herself and thinks that she will relive her life in Ohio, and believes she will have no true girlfriends. On the very day she was touring, Rosemont School for Girls, she unknowingly met the girlfriend she had longed for her whole life, Dixie McAllister. Dixie was also a new student and talked to CeeCee like they’ve known each other for their entire lives. When reading this specific part in the book you can tell that Cee Cee’s mind filled with overwhelming happiness the moment Dixie told her that she would be waiting for her at 7:45 am on the first day of school.

If you even have a slither of a heart; hopefully, you will be sent through a bumpy roller coaster of emotions. In the beginning of the story it started off at a disturbed time period of young CeeCee’s life. Her mother was dying in front of her eyes, her father was never home, and the only friend she had was an elderly woman who lived next door. When she discovers that she was leaving her life in Ohio, and being thrown into a new life in Georgia, CeeCee was devastated, because she had to leave her only friend, Mrs. Odell. After arriving to the beautiful mansion she would be living in, she was still bitter that her father just up and left her to recreate her life. Aunt Tootie had colorful neighbors, and a brutally honest cook named Oletta. Oletta was a black woman who had worked for Tootie for years, and the second she laid eyes on CeeCee she fell in love with her young soul. As CeeCe was craving the company of her old friend, Mrs. Odell called the house and asked to come visit on her way to Florida to live with her sister. She planned to stay for two weeks, but when she made an innocent call, she found out the unfortunate truth that her sister had passed away and she had nowhere to go. Tootie, being the kind southerner she was, invited Mrs. Odell to carry on her life living with her and CeeCee. Although I was on the midst of tears, the kindness of Tootie sent an overpowering jolt of merriment throughout my mind. The ride of emotions I was sent on was worth experiencing.

The story of this young child is about as sad and tragic as an old war story. She isn’t meaningless, she isn’t unintelligent. She is a bright, beautiful young child. Everybody has insecurities about themselves, but CeeCee second guesses herself at every little decision that comes her way. She would second guess herself on what to eat for breakfast! Never have I read a book with a more powerful story plot than this book. If there comes a day where I have to read this book again, I would do it with no hesitation.

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