Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

October 3, 2011
By Anonymous

I thoroughly enjoyed reading “Ender’s Game”. From start to finish, I was completely captivated by this book. I finished it in just a few days, due to the fact that I just couldn’t set it down! Ender’s Game has unpredictable characters, a thrilling storyline, and detailed descriptions that make it perfect for any teenage boy. You would not regret diving into this sci-fi masterpiece.

The characters in this book were very creative. Ender was no idiot, and he was not slow to react. He managed to overcome the fact that the other kids made him look like a speck of dust. The children at the school are all brilliantly used to show how Ender Wiggin became such a military genius. Some boys, like Bonzo Madrid, acted in ways I never would’ve expected. For instance, I never would have thought that Bonzo’s hatred of Ender would get to the point where he actually made an attempt at his life! Doesn’t that sound like the kind of story that would keep you on the edge of your seat?

Another contributor to the value of the book would be the actual storyline itself. Ender was a “Third”, permitted to be born by the government despite the strict laws limiting the amount of children allowed in one household. The reason for this exception was to create a genius that was the perfect blend of his older brother, the sadistic Peter Wiggin, and the much too compassionate Valentine. He is only six years old when he is sent to Battle School, which is in outer space, and it is there that he is isolated by the adults to ultimately make him the commander that would help them kill off the alien “buggers”. The other children loathe him and he receives no training from his commanders. He does learn from other veterans though, and eventually exceeds them in ability. He rises through the ranks as he continually wins in The Battle Room, where students fight to “flash” each other with laser guns until only 5 members of one team is left, where they pass through the enemy gate. Ender was like a wall that nobody could get past. By the time he is nine, he is commander of Dragon Army. Ender Wiggin and his army win every battle, in spite of the adults attempts to stack the odds greatly on the opponent’s side. He graduates to command school very early, as he was 10 and the usual age of graduation is around 16. While there, he meets Mazer Rackham, who is the man who saved earth during the First and Second Invasions. He trains Ender in the Simulator, which simulates battles with the buggers. Little does Ender know, there is a secret behind the simulator. I don’t want to give away the ending for you, so go get the book and find out for yourself!

Orson Scott Card used vivid detail to describe the book. It was a movie playing in my mind; every scene was displayed clearly. The story was never confusing, which made this book that much better. He used every sensory detail possible to aid us in feeling what Ender felt. Feeling the bones crunch as he kicked the bully in the ribs, the empty look in Bonzo’s eyes as he was kicked in the groin and slid across the bathroom floor, the Giant’s carcass laying in Fantasy Land, all of it seemed real in my mind. I found myself lost in the hallways of the Battle School, or floating in the Battle Room flashing students as I floated down towards the gate. It’s amazing what can happen when you are reading a descriptive piece of writing.

There is very little I could say bad about this book. I strongly recommend it to anyone looking for something to read. Although I feel this is written mainly for boys, I’m sure that girls would enjoy it as well. Go ahead, read this book. I don’t regret it one bit, and in fact, I intend to read the rest of the series.

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