finally by wendy mass | Teen Ink

finally by wendy mass

September 29, 2011
By knittingfreak687 BRONZE, White Heath, Illinois
knittingfreak687 BRONZE, White Heath, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
ello there

By: Wendy Mass

Wendy Mass- the author of A Mango Shaped Space, Leap Day, Jeremy Fink and The Meaning of Life, Heaven looks a lot like the mall, Every Soul a Star, and 11 Birthdays- has done it again with the award winning book, Finally.

Finally is a story about fitting in, falling down, and growing up, that takes place in a little suburb, present day. Rory Swenson is a relatable 11 (about to be 12) year-old girl, who has waited her entire life for 1 day…. the day she turns 12. Rory made a list of the things she gets to do when she is 12. “You can pierce your ears when you’re 12. You can go to the mall with your friends when you’re 12. You can babysit little Timmy next door when you’re 12. You can get a cell-phone when you’re 12. Hey, you can even ride in the front passenger-side seat when you’re 12! When you’re 12, when you’re 12, when you’re 12…..” But as Rory’s dreams are becoming reality, and being checked off her list, something bad and unexpected happens with each one. You really start to feel bad for the poor soul. It’s a rollercoaster of good to bad and back again. But, all the unexpected surprises lead Rory to helping another person out in some special kind of way, and her true personality shines. Then, the most unseen, yet wonderful surprise of all happens to Rory, and she realizes that it’s not possessions that matter, it’s seeing a situation instead of only looking at it, and going the extra mile to help and do something about it.

Finally is a touching can’t- put- it-down book, I only wish there was a little more action and the beginning went a bit faster, but other than that, it was a well-written, intriguing book, and I truly loved it. I really liked how the story had a lesson behind it, that Wendy cleverly put in to make the story that much more heart-warming. I also enjoyed how this book gives advice, about life as a teen. I can relate to Rory very well, as I too am in middle school, and have to go through the dramas of being a teen, and I know how she feels.

I recommend this book to any teen/ pre-teen girl looking for a relatable, short and fantastic book about life as a young girl. Finally is finally the right book for me, and is definitely a must-read book!

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