Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen

June 4, 2008
By Anonymous

Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen, released in 1998, is a story about two best friends named Halley and Scarlett. Their friendship is put to the test in just one summer when they need each other the most.

During the summer of Halley and Scarlett's sixteenth birthdays, their lives changed forever. Halley, away at camp, received a phone call from Scarlett that caused her to leave camp immediately. Scarlett was in need of comfort from her best friend because her boyfriend had been killed in a motorcycle accident.

Scarlett not only had to deal with losing her boyfriend, but she realizes she is carrying his baby. She does not want to tell her mother and refuses an abortion.

Halley and Scarlett spend the summer hiding Scarlett's pregnancy, but with school beginning, they knew people were going to find out.

Halley spends time comforting her best friend, while she starts to fall in love with Scarlett's first boyfriend, Macon, who is her polar opposite. She is warned about who he really is and how he acts, but Halley doesn't care, since she knows that this love is real.

Halley becomes the teenager she never thought she would be, by skipping school and disobeying her parents' rules, because she has fallen head-over-heals for Macon.

Both teenagers find themselves looking for solace and happiness to overcome these obstacles.

Someone Like You is a story based on a life that many teenage girls go through. It shows how girls deal with their problems and really change during high school due to the problems they encounter. I encourage every teenage girl to read Someone Like You.


This article has 1 comment.

Megan said...
on Nov. 13 2008 at 9:16 pm
this is not right... reread the book