before i fall by Lauren Oliver | Teen Ink

before i fall by Lauren Oliver

June 16, 2011
By twigirl14 BRONZE, Oregon
twigirl14 BRONZE, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Before I fall
Before I fall follows a girl through the last day of her life. Little does she know it’s not her last day. Though all the trials of a day in the life of a teenage girl. Whether it’s pressure from a needy boyfriend, or friend troubles. A rose sets everything into motion. A simple prank sets the day apart from all others. This book really makes you see how much everything counts. She dies but wakes up the next day; it’s actually the same day over. She relives the same day seven times. Trying a new approach every day whether it’s being a total b word or a person who cares. In the end she finds the wrongs and rights them. This book is amazing. I got three girls who have barely ever read to read and love this book. I highly recommend it.


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