Wins, Losses, and Lessons | Teen Ink

Wins, Losses, and Lessons

May 27, 2011
By Anonymous

Wins, Losses and Lessons. By Holtz, Lou Published by Harper Paperbacks: New York, 2006. 352 pages.

Wins, Losses, and Lessons written by Lou Holtz about his life tells his life story. It answers questions and takes you through the life of Lou Holtz himself from a poor young boy, to a successful football coach. This book would be great for kids or adults that love the game of football. The book starts in his hometown of Follansbee, West Virginia. In and out of jobs throughout countless years brought him to ESPN, present day. How Lou Holtz who had hardly any football smarts became a famous football coach, is revealed within this wonderful novel.

The book takes place in many different locations. Some including: West Virginia, Arkansas, Indiana, and South Carolina. There are many others, but those are the basics. In the book Lou Holts struggles through college to become a coach. After marrying his wife Beth he jumped from college to college coaching. After his wife got throat cancer, he retired. Then he came back to coaching for three more years, only to retire again.

When Lou Holtz was accused of segregation in Arkansas, it really upset me. He didn’t do anything and that’s how this book got through to me. This book finds ways to connect through sports and life. “What’s Important Now?” connected to me by life decisions that I’ve made. “What’s Important Now?” means, “WIN”.

This book is one of the greatest books I have read in my life. It tells a great story about Lou Holtz and his life difficulties. I would recommend this book to anyone who like to read. I can really tell that Lou Holtz worked hard and long on this book.

English 8-5
May 26, 2011

The author's comments:
This book is amazing.


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