Never Give Up | Teen Ink

Never Give Up

May 26, 2011
By Kenzieeeee BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
Kenzieeeee BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Never Give Up by Tedy Bruschi is a very fascinating book. You would like the book if you like football or Tedy Bruschi. In the book it talks about his recovery and return to the NFL. My first thoughts while reading the book was that his career was ruined. There are a lot of shocking moments in the book.
When Tedy Bruschi was growing up he never even dreamed out playing for the NFL. The most he played football was in the backyard. It was until he reached high school when he started playing for a team. That was when he realized he had what it took. He then went to Arizona and played college football. That’s were he met his now wife.
In 1996 he was drafted to the New England Patriots. He won three super bowls and a conference championship with the team. He had a good 12 years till things started going downhill. In 2005, after a game against the Pittsburgh Steelers Bruschi started feeling weird. He couldn’t sleep or walk. His wife took him to the hospital the next morning. That’s when they found out he had had a stroke.
Tedy never believed he would return to the NFL. He went through therapy and a lot of doctor appointments. On a Sunday in October Tedy Bruschi finally returned to the NFL.. The quote that inspired him the most was by Eleanor Roosevelt. It was “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”


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