Julius Caesar by Shakespeare | Teen Ink

Julius Caesar by Shakespeare

May 19, 2011
By Anonymous

Antony was Successful!

Throughout the story of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare there is a lot of planning and setting up the whole plot of the story. Right before Caesar is assassinated a couple men named Brutus and Cassius begin planning the assassination of Caesar. Many people thought Caesar would not be good for the country of Rome and so many people thought it would be a good idea to kill Caesar. And so right after Caesar is assassinated, Brutus goes on a podium and declares Caesar dead and that it’s a good thing, then Mark Antony comes up and tries to convince the people of Rome that Caesar needs to be avenged. Mark Antony successfully persuaded the plebeians that Caesar was not an ambitious man through the way he uses sarcasm, emotion, loaded words, and how he is honest and honorable.

First, Mark Antony uses sarcasm during his speech right after Caesar is killed. Mark Antony talks about Caesar being an honorable and faithful man. On line 87 it says, “He was my friend, faithful and just to me; But Brutus says he was ambitious, And Brutus is an honorable man.” This quote shows how Caesar isn’t ambitious, and Mark uses sarcasm over and over during the speech, making Brutus seem not honorable. During this speech Mark Antony is consistently attacking Brutus’ honor.
Second, Mark Antony uses an emotional appeal by sharing Caesar’s testimony after Caesar is killed, when everyone is sad about him being dead. Antony states some of Caesar’s background and how he isn’t ambitious. On line 90 it says, “He hath brought many captives home to Rome, Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill; Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?” He talks about how Caesar brought home people and filled the coffers with money, making Rome a successful country. Caesar wasn’t ambitious at all but helped his country out a lot, disproving Brutus.
Third, Mark Antony uses loaded words to attack Brutus’ honor. Everyone knows Brutus is an honorable man. However, Mark Antony uses loaded words in line 84 to make Brutus seem just like any other honorable man, “For Brutus is an honorable man, So are they all, all honorable men.” Mark Antony makes Brutus seem like any other honorable man and not as honorable using loaded words.
Finally, Antony then begins talking about Caesar’s honor and how he was an honorable man. In line 98, “I thrice presented him a kingly crown, Which he did thrice refuse. Was that ambition? Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; And sure he is an honorable man.” This quote talks about Caesar being an honorable man and not being ambitious by refusing the crown. Mark Antony then attacks Brutus’ honor by saying Caesar is honorable and making Mark Antony an honest man.
First, Antony is using sarcasm to make Brutus seem dumb. Second, he uses Caesar’s

own testimony, to make him seem not ambitious. Third, loaded words, attacks Brutus honor by

saying he isn’t honorable by the way he acted Finally, makes Caesar an honorable man by

making himself seem not ambitious and Antony honest. Mark Antony was a very honorable man

successful during his speech after Caesar’s death.

The author's comments:
Had to write a persuasive Evaluation on a speech. I did mine on Mark Antony's funeral speech.

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