Parvanas Journey | Teen Ink

Parvanas Journey

April 26, 2011
By tazycrazy BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, New York
tazycrazy BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, New York
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Parvana’s Journey was a book written by Deborah Ellis. Parvana’s Journey is a winner of the Jane Addams children’s book award. It is also a sequel to the book, Bread Winner. It’s copy right date is 2002. Parvana’s Journey is an excellent realisitic fiction book in the genre of global issues.

If I were to recommend this book to Middle School students, I would say it is a good read. I would not recommend to read it if you are not into adventure books. Also the book has a few deaths in it. Overall, I would give the book a 7 out of 10 rating.

The reason I would recommend this book to you is if you like adventure. The whole book is about Parvana’s friendship and her journey to survive. In the beginning of the book, Parvana was staying with a man but she had to leave rather quickly because the man was going to sell her to a Taliban soldier(Ellis 20). On her journey she meets a one legged boy in a cave named Asif (Ellis 48). She also found a baby in an abandon town with a dead women next to it.(Ellis 35). The woman must have been the baby’s mother. Parvana named the baby Heissan. They are now in search of food but end up finding themselves in a field of mines (Ellis 101). They end up being saved by a girl named Leila and they stay with her and her grandmother (Ellis 105). Then bombs come and end up destroying the house, but luckly they are all safe except for the grandmother (Ellis 146-147).

Will Parvana and her new family survive? Will she ever find her real family? To


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