Summer Ball by Mike Lupica | Teen Ink

Summer Ball by Mike Lupica

April 27, 2011
By youngxmoney BRONZE, New Egypt, New Jersey
youngxmoney BRONZE, New Egypt, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let what you cannot do iterfere with what you can do." John Wooden

Summer Ball by Mike Lupica was very distinguished and an excellent book to read. The book demonstrated a great plot with many interesting characters, and contained a clear and vivid setting. Summer Ball was well-written and together with the outstanding organization of the book was easy to follow the story. The book was also realistic for teenagers who attend camps and play sports.

To begin with, Summer Ball had all the criteria of an excellent plot. It had a calm beginning starting in a small town with only a few people. The main character named Danny was sitting at home practicing basketball when his father told him that he could go to Cedarville, Maine, to attend Josh Cameron’s Basketball Camp. Danny was thrilled that he would attend one of the nation’s best basketball camps. During the rising action, Danny had an argument with his friends who are going to the camp, and he no longer wanted to attend camp. His dad forced him to go. When Danny arrived at the camp, he started to like it. When the climax occurs, Danny realized Tess was across the lake at her uncle’s house. The falling action occurred when Danny started to enjoy his basketball camp again. Danny’s team went on to win the championship. The book also included many characters. It contained many main characters that were very interesting and changed throughout the story. Summer Ball had a very clear and vivid setting. The story took place at the basketball camp in Cedarville, Maine. As you can see, the book contained an excellent development of a plot, had many interesting characters that changed throughout the story, and the setting was extremely clear and vivid.

As well as having an excellent plot, Summer Ball also is a book that is realistic and many teenagers can easily relate to the story. The book can even help children learn the advantages and disadvantages of going to a sleep-away camp. Many people can relate to the book because of the highly detailed settings, the interesting characters, and all of the conflicts and problems that occurred in the story. Many people read Mike Lupica’s books because of the author’s message and advice he provides the readers about the on and off the court problems which makes the book realistic. Summer Ball is not a fiction book with made up information. It is a book that contains lots of factual information about basketball and teenage problems. Therefore, this novel is very realistic, and appropriate for teenagers.

Lastly, the book Summer Ball was written very well. Mike Lupica can make the book come to life by being a movie in your head. This makes the book easy to understand. The book had great details describing each and every character physically and mentally. Mike Lupica did a superior job commentating on every basketball game. He sounded like he was a sports commentator where every game was Game 7 of the NBA finals. The author also used great figurative language. Therefore, the book Summer Ball was an excellent presentation of information which contained accuracy, clarity, was organized, and the layout of the chapters and sections made the story flow like an ocean.

In conclusion, the novel Summer Ball displays a great author’s message, was written with accuracy, clarity, organization, contained a plot pyramid with a conflict, complications, and a denouement, had very interesting characters who changed through the story, the setting was very clear and vivid, and the book was appropriate for teenagers. I recommend this book for all of the teenage sports fans.


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