Flush by Carl Hiassen | Teen Ink

Flush by Carl Hiassen

April 14, 2011
By murrat15 BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, New York
murrat15 BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I would defiantly recommend this book to middle school students. With many people trying to be very eco-friendly, this book ties into the issue of pollution. The main characters of this book are Noah Underwood, a young boy, Paine Underwood, Noah's father; Abbey Underwood, Noah's sister, and Dusty Muleman the owner of the Coral Queen, a casino boat. Noah's father is very concered about the enviornment. When he saw the casino boat dumping waste into the ocean, he was extremely furious. In fact, he sunk the casino boat and was thrown in jail. Noah Underwood is very likable in this novel, unlike his father, Noah gets help from others and finds legal ways to stop the Coral Queen. Noah believes very strongly in fighting for the environment and his father's beliefs. Noah persevers through many obstacles to get to the bottom of Dusty Muleman's secrets.

Flush , by Carl Hiassen is an extremely well-written novel. It shows how much people could be harmed by pollution in the water. With the human waste going into the water it effects not only the animal life, but human beings. Flush shows the determination of many young people to protect the world we live in. I mostly recommend because it teaches a great lesson to middle school students to take care of the earth for generations to come.


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