World War Z by Max Brooks | Teen Ink

World War Z by Max Brooks

March 27, 2011
By sampsand001 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
sampsand001 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind." -Albert Einstein

This was the first Zombie book that I have ever read. It was a really good book that has made me want to read more by this other and other books about zombies. It also makes me want to go out and prepare for the zombie apocalypse, which probably will never happen.

In this book it switches between multiple characters and tells their experience as the war with zombies progresses. It starts out with a doctor going to a village and finding the first confirmed case of a zombie. Later on in the book it shirts to a character named Redeker whose plan to survive the Zombie war has many people hating him. And near the end we get recounts from people whose goal was not to fight the zombies but to help raise the moral of everyone else.

The style or writing used in this story helps convey the main ideas Brooks is trying to get across. The different point of views give different light to each of the situations that happenes in the story. The p.o.v shifts and facts presented through out the story really help the reader understand the situation.

This story will inspire you with the courage of humanity and what they have went through to survive the Zombie apocalypse. If you have not read this story I advise that you do. Also The Zombie Survival guide is a great book by the same author.


This article has 1 comment.

Stevesmith89 said...
on Sep. 1 2011 at 2:25 pm
I read this book not that long ago and i thought it was wonderful. The only thing i wish they would have had is the story being told in a perspective of one of the soldiers. I think it would make you feel more like youre in the action