On Second Thought by Wray Herbert | Teen Ink

On Second Thought by Wray Herbert MAG

March 15, 2011
By Anonymous

Wray Herbert's On Second Thought is an intriguing read about heuristics, or the shortcuts people take every day to make decisions. This book is extremely informative without reading like a dull textbook. Herbert's first-person narrative and personal examples create an interesting read that will keep you engaged. You do not need to be an expert in heuristics, decision-making, or psychology to gain something from this book.

By relating psychological behaviors to real life, like using recent presidential elections to explain how decoys sway our decisions, he makes these somewhat challenging concepts and research studies easy to understand. However, Herbert throws more information at readers than we can handle when he uses casual examples to start off chapters.

Furthermore, the almost identical structure of every chapter, each concluding with paragraphs meant to tie in to the next heuristic and keep the book flowing, allow the concepts to blur in our minds, especially as we approach the eighteenth or nineteenth one.

On Second Thought still makes for a captivating read if you are interested in psychology and human behavior, even if you don't have much background on the topic.Wray Herbert's On Second Thought is an intriguing read about heuristics, or the shortcuts people take every day to make decisions. This book is extremely informative without reading like a dull textbook. Herbert's first-person narrative and personal examples create an interesting read that will keep you engaged. You do not need to be an expert in heuristics, decision-making, or psychology to gain something from this book.

By relating psychological behaviors to real life, like using recent presidential elections to explain how decoys sway our decisions, he makes these somewhat challenging concepts and research studies easy to understand. However, Herbert throws more information at readers than we can handle when he uses casual examples to start off chapters.

Furthermore, the almost identical structure of every chapter, each concluding with paragraphs meant to tie in to the next heuristic and keep the book flowing, allow the concepts to blur in our minds, especially as we approach the eighteenth or nineteenth one.

On Second Thought still makes for a captivating read if you are interested in psychology and human behavior, even if you don't have much background on the topic.


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