The Face: Dean Koontz | Teen Ink

The Face: Dean Koontz

March 11, 2011
By Anonymous

This book is written in the third person and is a part of the mystery detective genre. Price: New from $0.99.

This gripping story is set in Las Angeles during the beginning of winter. Ethan Thomas is the chief of security for a famous actor named Channing “The Face” Manheim. After receiving a series of “gifts” sent to the actor via mail, Ethan must try and put a stop to a supposed attempt at murder of the beloved star. Being a former LAPD cop, Ethan can use his intuition to help solve this nut case’s motives.

We are introduced to Ethan Thompson in the giant castle of a mansion The Face calls home. Ethan is reviewing the latest mail order sent to the beloved star, an apple. This causes Ethan to question the very nature of the killer and he tries to decode messages within the gifts. We are introduced to Rolf Raynard through a security tape of him delivering the gift to the Manheim residents. Once Ethan tries to investigate the killer’s apartment, he is shot and killed. But in an odd twist wakes up in his van outside of Rolf’s apartment with no wound, but rather blood under his fingernails. The Face’s son, Fritz, is also in danger of being killed when a strange caller tells him to hide and never come out. A man named Corky is after him and he wont stop until Fritz is dead. Ethan then realizes that Rolf has a partner in his crimes and has to put an end to his anarchy before they put an end to him.

In an odd twist of fate, Ethan also realizes that he has some demons hidden of his own. After the tragic loss of his wife, he has been trying to cope with the memories. Another friend of Ethan’s dies, and they have not spoken for a while because Ethan stole his wife from his friend. But, Ethan’s friend is not completely dead; he is still walking the streets and giving Ethan clues to deal with the loss. Such as leaving flowers at her grave, or leaving pictures in Ethan’s path. Ethan feels like in saving Fritz from his killer, he can obliterate the demons that haunt him.

A definitely must read for any Koontz fans. The author writes with a very casual style and is able to catch all audiences, a very quick read. Some downsides to the book are it is 600 plus pages of bologna mostly. Even though Koontz’s style is unique, he spends too
much attention to detail when one just wants the answers already! It takes until the very end of the book to answer all the questions given at the beginning, with not much really in between. But I digress; The Face is not a book to be put down once you start reading, it grabs your attention with intense action shootouts and nerve racking sequences that will keep you reading. Gripping and thrilling mystery .

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This article has 2 comments.

kj_william said...
on Mar. 15 2011 at 3:34 pm
what 15 minute fame are you talking about?

MsKem said...
on Mar. 15 2011 at 11:26 am
Part of your 15 minutes of fame!