Wuthering Heights by Emily Bonte | Teen Ink

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bonte

March 8, 2011
By Gamboa SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Gamboa SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The novel, Wuthering Heights, by Bronte publishes 1847 is a romantic novel. It tells the story of two people that fall and love, but can not be together because of their social life. The character, Catherine, faces the dilemma of loving the man she wants to be with forever or losing her family. She soon dies while giving birth. This book is also filled with revenge and death.

Young Catherine faces the similar situation as her mother once did when she lived. She comes out to be a very strong girl and still keeps her head up high. Catherine is surrounded by people who want to harm her, but she still is very amiable and noble. At her young age she faces experiences deaths, revenge, and hatred. When her father, Linton, dies she becomes stronger and has bigger and meaner problems to face. The end is very fair.

My opinion about this book is that it was an interesting book. It’s full of all this different moods that it captures your attention. The theme of this book is that if there is true love it will last forever, and go through all the obstacles it has to. I enjoyed reading this book, and I would recommend it to all the people who enjoy romance.

The author's comments:
I am the type of person that is interested in books, and this book captured my attention.


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