The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian | Teen Ink

The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian

February 18, 2011
By craig101 BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
craig101 BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
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Junior, a little Indian boy with a troubled life, left his rez school to go to an all white school called Welpinit. He loses all of his friends, especially Rowdy, the tough Indian that always protected poor little junior. When junior goes to Welpinit people call him by his “white name” Arnold. He has a bully at welpinit named Roger. Arnold put up with it for a little while then he stood up to Roger and punched him in the face. So Arnold’s old bully gives him respect and gives Arnold respect, and goes on. He soon becomes friends with Penelope, the popular girl at welpinit. They eventually start dating and Arnold trys his hardest to keep her from knowing that he is poor. When Arnold and Penelope go to the school dance he had it all planned out, little did he know him and Penelope would end up going to a restaurant. Nobody knows junior only was five dollars… read to find out more!!
This is the worst book I have ever read the whole time I read it I wanted to put d-con in my lunch. It was horrible don’t ever read this book!! I’m serious, never. Well on a good note it had a very good story line it was very fluent. I just would never read it if I was you.


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