The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks

February 9, 2011
By MichaelaV BRONZE, L&#39Anse, Michigan
MichaelaV BRONZE, L&#39Anse, Michigan
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“The Lucky One”

Have you ever had the impression from someone you have never met that they held something special in their heart? This was the case with Logan Thibault.

In the book “The Lucky One” written by Nicholas Sparks, set in the town of Hampton, North Carolina, there lives a single mother named Elizabeth. In then town of Hampton she lives with her grandmother and son Ben. In that town, Logan Thibault discovers the love of his life.

In the book, Logan, while being deployed in Iraq as a marine, found a picture of a beautiful lady. With this he believed that it had become his good luck charm and saved him from many near death situations. To try to repay her for what she had unknowingly supplied him with he traveled all the way across the country. Little did he know that when they met sparks would fly. As always, there is and enemy in every story and to make sure they stay together, he must protect the family from him.

To me, this book was very intriguing. I was taken in by the romance and also the bits of reality which were incorporated into it. The only part of the book I did not enjoy was how it discussed military terms which I was not familiar with. Though soon after the words are introduced, they are quickly explained. I would recommend this book for women of the age fifteen or older. This book will lure in anybody who is in for a good romance novel.

I highly recommend this book to all adult readers. It is a touching story that makes you think about self sacrifice and the value of life.


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