Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld | Teen Ink

Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld

January 13, 2011
By Stephen Robards BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Stephen Robards BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book, Leviathan, is a newer science fiction book by Scott Westerfeld. Its generally about WWI and what it would be like if people fought with genetically altered animals and advanced technology. It’s told from, the point of view of two people, Alek and Deryn. Alek is a Prince whose Mother and Father were assassinated in order to start a war. Alek and some of his trainers had run away to Switzerland (a neutral country) where they would be safe, facing many problems along the way. They finally make it but are surprised to find enemies and some unexpected allies there... Deryn is a 15 year old girl aboard an airship called the Leviathan. The Leviathan is a whale that as been altered so it can fly! To be able to be on the Leviathan, you must be a 16 year old boy, which she is not. She is pretending to be a boy named “Dylan” just so she can fly. IT’s risky but she doesn’t care. Later, they get into a fight and end up crash landing in some Mts. You’ll have to read to find out the rest!

I thought Leviathan was an AMAZING read! It’s a page-turner and it definitely made my top 5! I love how there’s a lot of action, adventure, suspense, and how it has a great storyline! The descriptions in the book were really good, it was like a tiny little movie in my head, and the pictures also helped out a little! It must have taken an ingenious mind to come up with something like this! I LOVE IT! I never would’ve thought of something like this myself, I mean, a flying whale?!?!?! I can’t wait to read the sequel!

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