Isolation Ward by Joshua Spanogle | Teen Ink

Isolation Ward by Joshua Spanogle

January 10, 2011
By Anonymous

Isolation Ward takes place at St. Raphael’s hospital, in a decaying neighborhood in Baltimore. Dr. Nathaniel McCormick is one of the two doctors working to find a cure to a strange illness. Dr. Verlach is one of Dr. McCormick’s coworkers on this case. Throughout the story these characters get into many arguments but still make a great team. This strange disease puts three unfortunate people in the hospital, treated for the flu. This disease quickly escalates into something ten times more horrific then the flu. Patients infected are dead within a week .Then Dr. McCormick makes a strange a discovery. All patients infected are handicapped. The fate of these patients is in the hands of Dr. McCormick and Dr. Verlach .

Joshua Spanogle keeps the reader on the edge with a fast moving story. Isolation Ward uses death as the theme to help lock the reader in. Something that makes this story interesting is when Doctor McCormick does illegal things to find some more information on his patients. When Doctor McCormick goes into a zombie like trance and breaks down a door to a group home for handicapped people. Dr. Timothy Lancaster is furious and says “Nate, look you’ve done a great job until now”. Dr. McCormick replies “Then let me continue to a great”; Dr. Lancaster shouts back “Do you want me to spell it out for you? Breaking down doors being involved in an altercation with a remembers of the community. This isn’t a game nate ,if you mess this up many more people will die.”(88)
Joshua Spanogle has a very unique writing style . I would recommend this book to readers who enjoyed My Sisters Keeper. This book is filled with realistic medical facts , humor, emotion , and surprises . Overall this is a great book and highly recommend books by Joshua Spanogle.


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