Privilege by Kate Brainn | Teen Ink

Privilege by Kate Brainn

December 14, 2010
By kellydog10 GOLD, Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
kellydog10 GOLD, Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
15 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Ariana Osgood isn’t the girl you think she is. The once most respected, straight A student at the exclusive Easton Academy has revealed her true identity- a cold-blooded murder. She was arrested for killing one of her peers, Thomas Pearson. Since she was believed to need serious help, she is sent to Brenda T. Trumbull Correction Facility for Women. Here she has spent the past two years plotting her soon- to- be- famous escape. Finally, her plot is complete and she is determined to make her escape. This is where Ariana Osgood’s story truly begins…

“She could practically taste freedom. Taking a deep breath and grunting along with the next firework explosion, Ariana used every ounce of strength in her arms to pull herself up. The lace on her sneaker caught on the fence, and she yanked her foot with all her might. There was a one last tear and then she was free.” That was a passage from Kate Brian’s novel Privilege. Those words described Ariana’s finally moments in Brenda T. Trumbull Correction Facility for Women as she made her way under the fence to freedom. Now that she had escaped, she just needed to find a rich, spoiled girl Ariana’s roommate, Kaitlyn, had described to her. From there, Ariana planned to somehow get a hold of Briana, the rich girl’s, money.

As soon as Ariana was miles and miles away from the horrible faculty she had forced to endure for valuable years of her life, she knew just where to find Briana. “The Country Club,” Kaitlyn had told her when she asked where this mysterious and horrible Briana lived several weeks back. At the country club, Ariana somehow managed to control her ranging anger and come face to face with Briana Lee. She quickly spit out some sad story on how her aunt’s house was under construction and her luggage was lost on her flight. By the time Ariana was finished concurring up some far out pity story, Briana made room in her cold heart for some sympathy. She told Ariana kindly that she could come stay at her mansion with she and Briana’s grandmother.

Step one complete.

Shortly after arriving at Brian’s amazing mansion, Ariana discovered just how angry she was at this little brat. You see, Ariana’s trustworthy prison mate had told her that Briana had killed her father over some silly argument and then proceeded to blame the whole happening on Kaitlyn. As a result of that, Kaitlyn was thrown unnecessarily in Brenda T. Trumbull Correction Facility for Women just like Ariana was. So, Ariana was her to make things right. She put on a smile and sympathized, cared, and laughed with Briana Lee like any good friend would. Between the crazy parties and obnoxious stores, Ariana was able to gather enough information on Kaitlyn to know just where to find her money and her huge inherence from the remaining of her rich family members- Brian’s grandmother’s computer.

Step two complete.

Late in the night, Ariana snuck slyly across the house into the grandmother’s lair. Quietly, she used the password she had convinced Briana to tell her and put it in the computer. The window containing Briana’s share of money popped up. It read “2,384.43 dollars.” Her heart skipped a beat. If Briana wasn’t as rich as she lead on she was Ariana’s plan was ruined!

Step three… in the process.

Ariana was forced to go back and try weasel more information out of Briana. Soon enough she discovered the truth: Briana doesn’t inherit the majority of her money until she is eighteen.

Back to the drawing board.

Ariana now was forced to improvise on her mission to get justice for her and Kailtlyn. She had to be quick; the start of school was coming quick. With Briana heading off to an exclusive private school most girls could only dream of going to, Ariana would most likely be kicked out, and worse, forgotten. No, she had to think of a plan. So, she brought up the subject of when Briana Lee got home from her date with her boyfriend. “Are you kidding me,” she said,” I don’t want to go there. Grandma’s making me. What I really want to go is move to a far away country with my boyfriend and get married. He proposed! Look!” Briana stuck a huge diamond in her face. Of course, this changed everything. Briana not even wanting to go to made a huge difference in Ariana’s roll in her life.

Plan B is put into action.

Which much mental formulating, Ariana developed a new plan. All she had to do was unselfishly suggest that maybe she, Ariana, could go to the academy, that way Briana would be free to go off and marry her fiancée. Of course, Ariana would need her own license and credit card so she could prove she was truly the Briana Lee. Without a doubt, Briana fell right for her plan and insisted that they start Briana Lee-a-tizing Ariana as soon as possible. She grabbed her arm and started dragging her to the store to go get a new license.

Plan B well underway.

After months of Briana training both Brianas packed into the real Briana’s stylish car and headed to the school, and the to the airport. On the way there they passed a river that is very familiar to Ariana. This is the river that separates the Brenda T. Trumbull Correction Facility for Women and freedom. At this point, Ariana made Briana stop the car. She knew that the search for her body wouldn’t be closed until they found something. So, she took Briana out there and shoved her under the water. Like the time when she drowned one of her friends, Ariana simply counted to one hundred and waited until the body she was holding down stopped squirming. Then, she backed away and ran back to the car. Without a moment to spare, Ariana fired up the engine. Now all she had to do was rescue her dear friend Kaitlyn.

Plan B almost complete.

Quickly, Ariana had to find a way to get Kaitlyn out of that horrible place. Since she obviously couldn’t just barge in there and take Kaitlyn out, she was going to have to find a way to make someone on the inside get her out. And who was the only person with enough power to do that? The evil owner of this place. And what was the thing that this certain person absolutely cared the most about? His dog. As she circled around the wicked facility thinking about this, a genius idea came to her. What if she took this dog hostage and then blackmailed to release Kaitlyn or she would kill the dog? It was perfect!
(Summary Continued From Inside Right Flap)
Quickly, Ariana had to find a way to get Kaitlyn out of that horrible place. Since she obviously couldn’t just barge in there and take Kaitlyn out, she was going to have to find a way to make someone on the inside get her out. And who was the only person with enough power to do that? The evil owner of this place. And what was the thing that this certain person absolutely cared the most about? His dog. As she circled around the wicked facility thinking about this, a genius idea came to her. What if she took this dog hostage and then blackmailed to release Kaitlyn or she would kill the dog? It was perfect!
Plan B ready to be carried out.

It was simple. All she had to do was bribe the silly dog with a piece of roast beef, send a threatening threat to the evil man controlling the residents of this building, and all the sudden Kaitlyn was strolling up to her car with joy. As Kaitlyn came closer and closer to Ariana, she was becoming more and more happy to see her friend. Suddenly, they were hugging like the long lost best friends they were. But something didn’t seem quite right…

Plan B complete!

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her back. Kaitlyn was attacking her, sending Ariana both physically and mentally into shock. What person attacks someone who just spent the last few weeks trying to save her? There wasn’t any time for questions now though. Kaitlyn had her pinned to the ground, and was scratching at her face. With the last bit of energy she had, Ariana threw a punch that knocked both of them out.

Mission failed.

When Ariana finally awoke from her deep unconscious spell, Kailtlyn was gone and so was her luggage…. But the car was still there! Of course, Kaitlyn took the keys with her. In their place was a small note written on an old napkin. It was from Kaitlyn, claiming that it wasn’t Ariana’s plan that had led to their amazing escape. It had been all Kaitlyn, feeding her information the entire two years they were locked up at Brenda T. Trumbull Correction Facility for Women. She bragged that she was indeed the one who killed Briana’s father and that she was long gone, never to be found again. In frustration, Ariana crumpled up the note and through it in the keyless cars glove compartment. Hidden inside sat the wallet and I.D. that Ariana had gotten with the real Briana Lee so long ago. Her moods slightly lifted, Ariana got up and started walking towards the academy, ready to start her new life as Briana Lee.


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