Sports Taboo by Malcolm Gladwell | Teen Ink

Sports Taboo by Malcolm Gladwell

December 16, 2010
By ChrisMepham18 BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
ChrisMepham18 BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Race, attitude, sports these words can all describe the ideas with in the story Sports Taboo, the story is about a man looking back on the effect of his running career in Canada. Within the story the author talks about the comparisons of race to sports; black and white. He also turns it around to connect that idea with men vs. women when confronted with challenges. All of this is looking back from the present and how his life has changed compared to his friends all based on the attitude that they had.

This story can be easy to connect to for any runner, mostly teens who are in high school, seeing as it is a similar situation. Teaching that if you really care about something you can go far and don't give up on yourself. Also that race doesn't truly effect athletic, it is environment and genes. In the end I would recommend this story to any one of my friends, or any runner out there.


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